Thursday, 25 April 2013

Being real

Over the past week I have learnt the value of just being me.

You know when someone says to you 'just be yourself' and you automatically start judging and criticising yourself and aren't yourself at all?

Yea, well that was me.

But I've stepped into a new friendship with someone this week that I never knew before and made the conscience effort to 'just be myself'.

This person has never met me before so can't judge me at all on how I was or anything that I used to do. It's an opportunity for a fresh start and chance to really be me around someone, someone that I may be spending a lot more time around.

Now don't get me wrong, I didn't approach this 'new me' confidently or with ease. It took a lot of courage, a lot of strength and a lot of God. Without Him I couldn't have been me, because he is in me, I'm nothing without Him. So really pray for God to be in your situations and ask Him to help you show who you really are.

What I'm saying is, I hope I can encourage you to BE REAL because if you're real about a situation then the real you will shine and you won't need to judge yourself or worry about others judging you.

Don't create a false image of who you think society wants you to be, be who your Heavenly Father, the creator of all things made you to be.

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